Monday, December 21, 2009

Experience? Or Revelation?

From today's "My Utmost For His Highest." Oh that I had only gotten this years ago! But I get it now. ;D


December 21: Experience or Revelation

"We have received not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God." (1 Corinthians 2:12)

Reality is Redemption, not my experience of Redemption; but Redemption has no meaning for me until it speaks the language of my conscious life. When I am born again, the Spirit of God takes me right out of myself and my experiences, and identifies me with Jesus Christ. If I am left with my experiences, my experiences have not been produced by Redemption. The proof that they are produced by Redemption is that I am led out of myself all the time, I no longer pay any attention to my experiences as the ground of Reality, but only to the Reality which produced the experiences. My experiences are not worth anything unless they keep me at the Source, Jesus Christ.

If you try to dam up the Holy Spirit in you to produce subjective experiences, you will find that He will burst all bounds and take you back again to the historic Christ. Never nourish an experience which has not God as its Source and faith in God as its result. If you do, your experience is anti-Christian, no matter what visions you may have had. Is Jesus Christ Lord of your experiences? Or do you try to lord it over Him? Is any experience dearer to you than your Lord? He must be Lord over you, and you must not pay attention to any experience over which He is not Lord. There comes a time when God will make you impatient with your own experience--I do not care what I experience; I am sure of HIM.

Be ruthless with yourself if you are given to talking about the experiences you have had. Faith that is sure of itself is not faith; faith that is sure of God is the only faith there is.


Faith is only as good as the object in which it is placed.

I used to evaluate, judge and measure everything in my life by what I THOUGHT I knew... including God. I didn't see that I was putting Him in a box in my life, limiting Him to the small little view I had of Him. In stead of letting God be first and aligning everything in my life up with Him, I was doing it the other way around. Result: I kept trying to fit square pegs into round holes. It can be done, but not without changing the peg itself--and that was counterproductive.

No wonder I was so confused. The faith I had was no good to me because I knew God, but was trusting more in myself than in Him. I was doing everything the wrong way around and trying to make God fit into my weird, sick and twisted little patterns, trying to make wrong decisions right after the fact. That faith didn't work because God was just a piece of it, not all of it. To be blunt: that faith really SUCKED.

Now everything to me is about Christ... I see God in everything. Which drives some people nuts, and they may hate it but they have no choice but to respect it. I know I hated it at first because I was required to surrender, to relinquish control. Looking back on it I see it was really dumb of me to try and maintain control of anything since I sucked so very badly at it! :)

The faith I have now is awesome. Amazing. Majestic. Mysterious. Mind-blowing, earth-shattering... because it is based on the REAL Jesus, the Christ crucified, and the RESURRECTION POWER that put a Savior on a cross to conquer sin and death and give me and anyone else who wants it a second chance. I am humbled and am constantly in awe by the Lord and all that He has done for me through that faith in HIM, who is exceedingly able to do more than I could ever ask or think.

I used to have a plethora of experience that I thought made me wise. Now I have a faith that God has built up in Him through the same experiences, only now they are revelations that change my life on a weekly, if not daily, basis. Every single experience I have every day always takes me back to "the historic Christ" and reassures me time and time again that God is worthy of my trust and loyalty. No experience that doesn't do this is given much time or attention by me anymore.

Thanks, Lord! YOU ROCK

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Um... YEAH. This is a rant! I'm hacked off and fed up. Ergo...

WARNING: Jesus loves each and every one of us equally and I'm not trying to diminish the weight of that message. Yet He is also a God of truth and consequences and He gets fed up with ig'nunce, too. He is God and I'm not, so all that is up to Him. I'm not trying to be that; I'm just sick of being quiet, so this is not a message of peace and wimpiness... I'm going more for the tough love approach. Cuz ya NEED it.


I'll keep it simple for the slow ones: if it walks like a douchetard, talks like a douchetard, then the logical deduction is that it IS, in fact, a douchetard.

Translation: if you soak up every post on my FB wall, every Tweet I Twitter and every word I write in my blogs and then talk smack about how I "live life online" or how I'm always "God this and God that" and how I'm "too judgmental" then YEAH, I am calling you a douchetard! That is coming from a former and recovering douchetard--cuz I used to be one, too. You just do not get it. And that's fine! But I've had enough of the smack talk behind closed doors and the namby-pamby, wimpy, whiny few who infect the logic, reason and peace of the many. So I've got a few choice words for you: GET OVER YOURSELF. "I yam who I yam and that's all that I yam." I'm going to be who I am, say what I want and live like I don't care what you think. Because I don't. If you don't like it, delete me; if you don't like what I have to say, change the channel. But don't be a chicken back hypocrite by reading all of it and then griping or talking behind my back or telling others how stupid THEY are for reading it. Grow a pair and say it to my face. Or drink a big ole cup of STFU. But don't do it for me; do it for the people who actually relate to all this and get help and encouragement from it. I realize it's an unselfish thing I'm asking of you, but hey... even the biggest douchetards are capable of a little altruism now and then. Be an idiot; it's a free country and it's your right. But you DON'T have the right to stand in the way of others.

For the record, I'm not speaking of people who debate with me or offer up different points of view. I'm talking about the wet-bellied, yellow-tailed chicken sh&%$s who don't have the courage or the character to really THINK about what I'm saying. This is because either a) they don't GET IT, or b) because what I'm saying hits a little too close to home and it hurts, Mommy! So they don't WANT to get it. (Sadly, this is the case most of the time). Because if what I'm saying is TRUE, then that makes them WRONG... and ooohhhhh now we mustn't have THAT. So they blow all the sound and fury my way because their lives are a mess and they're too immature and narcissistic to own up to it. What I say makes no sense to them, because they have no truth and live in the alternate realities they create in their minds. They're in denial; it's their only option. I GET THAT because dude, I had beachfront property on the River of Denial! I was the Donald Trump of that river's real estate empire! But that is no longer the case; I gave up the riches and glory of being Donald Trump in Psychoville to live humbly and quietly in peace and truth. But not MY truth--GOD'S! MY truth was nothing more than the rantings and ravings of a sad, sick, lost lunatic. God's truth is solid, eternal, unchangeable and unshakable--which is why it made NO sense to me for the longest time because MY truth, like all these naysayers' truths (plural, yes), was subjective, situational and relational. THE Truth is singular and the final word.

"For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. For it is written: 'I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate.' Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe. Jews demand miraculous signs and Greeks look for wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength. Brothers, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him. It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. Therefore, as it is written: 'Let him who boasts boast in the Lord.'" (1 Corinthians 1:17-31)

Listen, I get where you are coming from. God frustrated my "intelligence" to the point of me pulling my hair out. When I was where you are, I did the same thing you are doing because it didn't make sense to me, either. Logically speaking, if you don't accept truth and reality, you have no choice but to try and make the truth NOT true. Right? So I spent a long, LOOONNNNNG time attempting that. Guess what? It didn't work. Not because I wasn't smart enough; I was just wrong. AND unwilling to admit it. Truth is truth whether you like it or not, whether you are standing on the right side of it or not. Just like right is right if nobody does it, and wrong is wrong if everyone does it. So since you can't really make the truth not true, that means the only hope you have of fixing any of it is to ACCEPT the truth and FACE REALITY. I turned 39 years old this past July 1, and I turned 15 as a Christian this past August 5. All the knowledge and intelligence I had prior to this year didn't do squat for me, evidenced in how things kept turning out the same. My life didn't change until I did what I'm suggesting YOU try: 'fess up and own your crap. I did it your way, which is "my way." We both know it sucked and didn't work; in fact, it just kept getting worse. But then I quit fighting God. And now I'm in a good place and YOUR life still sucks. So, really, who's the idiot? Me, because I won't shut up about Jesus and recovery and truth and all the rest of it? Or you, whose life is in shambles, who has lost everything and everyone you ever claimed to care about, but still yelling loudly for all to hear about how smart you are and how foolish and disillusioned I am? I've already been where you are... why don'tcha try walking in MY shoes for a little minute? I DARE YOU. Why keep yakking away and sounding more and more stupid every time you open your mouth by attacking me??? Your life is a CHOICE and it's turning out just how you are planning it... why not man up and do something different for once?

Understand, I'm not mad AT you; I am mad FOR you. Attack me all you want; love me, hate me, whatever floats your boat. But don't say it's all stupid, etc., while your life blows up in your face. That's just retarded. I was retarded once, too. Now I'm not living that way. And I am not special, God doesn't love me more than you, I'm not gifted. It was a CHOICE. I know what I know because I did it ALL WRONG first. No judgment here; just relation and grace. I found the way and I tell others. What they do with it is up to them, but I'm certainly not gonna shut up because you CHOOSE to continue to be an idiot. Don't be like I was! Shut up and THINK, for once. USE YOUR BRAIN AND NOT YOUR MOUTH!!!

Here's the dealio, folks: I'm not ashamed of being in recovery. I'm not ashamed to be a Christian, to love Jesus, to be imminently grateful for all that God has done on my behalf and of the blood, sweat, tears and HARD WORK I've put into getting well. I was SICK. Now I am WELL. I paid, and dearly, for my mistakes. I suffered a lot and lost a lot and put in a lot of hard work to get to this place. Most I've hurt have forgiven me, some haven't, but I've made my peace with ALL of it and I've forgiven myself and so has Jesus. I'm on a good path and I'm in better hands now. And I'm certainly not ashamed of sharing my thoughts and struggles and points of view about these things in a forum where it actually makes sense to people who WANT to get well, too. I don't blog this stuff for attention, accolades or because I'm bored. I do it because I know that hearing other people's stories and perspectives helped me. And if something I write or say about my experience, strength and hope helps someone else, then that's all that really matters. Not to mention that it helps ME to share and to remember what I've gone through to get to the good place I'm in.

So I write. And I speak. Because when you row another person across the river to the shore, YOU GET THERE YOURSELF.

Put another way: "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows. If we are distressed, it is for your comfort and salvation; if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which produces in you patient endurance of the same sufferings we suffer. And our hope for you is firm, because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort."

That's from 2 Corinthians 1. It's why we go through things and survive it. Life is hard, people. So is marriage, love, relationships, etc. We've all got our share of skeletons, mistakes, bonehead decisions and regrets. I have MORE than my fair share. So why make it harder than it has to be by denying it all? Recovery isn't for cowards! Neither is REAL Christianity. But staying in your insanity and your comfort zone that keeps you wrong and sick IS for cowards. It takes COURAGE and STRENGTH and DETERMINATION to go from sick to well. It requires sacrifice. It requires a willingness to cut away situations and things and even people who keep you down, to replace it all with Godly, positive things to keep you on the right path. It's hard at first but trust me when I say it gets easier and it is more than worth the cost! In fact, eventually, you come to consider it all GAIN. THIS is the harder path... you might have heard it referred to as "the road less traveled."

It's easy to stay where you are. Changing your stars, turning your life around and becoming the best you that you can be is HARD. But it's SO worth it. So I have nothing but grace, respect and love for those who are willing to be wrong, admit it and fix it. I have a ZERO TOLERANCE policy and even less patience for the rest of you, especially when you want to attack or stand in the way of others who want to get better simply because you choose to stay sick.

Think what you like, but I am NOT being judgmental when I say that. I say that because I've BEEN THERE. I've DONE IT. I was the epitome of the person I describe. I was selfish, sick, retarded, addicted, lost, screwed up and effed up... **fill in the blank** and call it what you will. Now I'm not. I have my weaknesses and issues, but we ALL do. The ONLY difference is that I faced it, dealt with it and am living my life now in a manner that is according to God's wisdom and the result of someone who cares more about getting it as right as I can without repeating the same old tired crap. That's it. Progress not perfection, folks. And it's not ME. Yes, I had to show up and be willing, but I didn't do this on my own. If I could have fixed it myself I wouldn't have needed recovery. Christ brought me here. And this way, HIS way, WORKS. How's that tired old crap YOU have always been doing workin' out there for ya, Chief Know-It-All??? Don't even bother answering because I can SEE the answer for myself. Crystal clear. And yet you want me to shut it. Fat chance, buster!!!

If YOU found the cure for cancer, would you keep it to yourself???? If YOU had a boat and a life preserver and you were on the ocean in a storm and you saw people drowning, would you row on by and let them drown???? Or would you throw out the preserver and say, "Climb on in!" If YOU were lost but found your way and you saw others who were lost, would you just walk past them and let them stay in the dark going the wrong way? Or would you say, "Hey! Come with me! I found the way out!!!"

**moment of silence while the idiots think**

Ironically, the ones who gripe the loudest are the ones who are still stuck in their denial and pain. They are in chains of bondage and are PISSED at all of us who are free; PISSED because they prefer imprisonment and slavery to doing the work we must ALL do to be free. Some of them know it, some don't. Either way, I've yet to see ONE of these smack talkaz own it and do anything about it. Others, however, get something out of what I share. I know because they TELL ME SO. I get e-mails and texts and letters and phone calls about these posts thanking me for sharing what was on their minds and hearts, and ask me to keep on keeping on... So guess what? I'M NOT GONNA SHUT UP. I won't apologize for it and in fact, all you've succeeded in doing is making me want to SHOUT LOUDER AND MORE OFTEN! (Nice plan, there, cuz. Way to use that strategery.) I'll keep talking and Christ will be on my lips til my last breath, not only because I feel God is holding me responsible for speaking the truth, but because I simply don't want to. It's a free country, I think we said before? Yeah? So if you are free to moan and groan and attack and sound like an idiot, then I am just as free to say what I want and tell what I know. I'm writing and sharing for Christ, for myself and for all those who do not agree with your limited, narrow and, quite frankly, incorrect assessments.

So... to all those who don't like it??? GET OVER YOURSELF. Why don't you try actually reading these things and applying it to yourself? What can it hurt??? WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF, YA BIG CHICKEN??
And just know this: should you ever choose to shut up and putchyo money where yo mouth iz, and stop running and DEAL with things... we will all be here for you. Because we've been there and we get it. We know why you do what you do. We get why you are so mad. I, for one, don't take it personally, even though I just get SICK of it every once in a while, because I know it's not really ME you are mad at. Your problem is with Christ, the truth and reality. Should you ever figure that out, there are people, like me, who will forgive your idiocy and bring you into the fold. we won't throw it in your face, because we understand, we've been there.

Until then... I pray for you, but I don't take you seriously. I feel pity and compassion for you, and while I'm hacked off at your ig'nunce I recognize that you don't know any better. I just want you to tone it down a little. For the sake of those who want to get well. And, honestly, for YOUR sake. For pity's sake, think what you like but don't be such a hypocrite. Be informed, at the very least! Then, if you got something to say, if you want to debate, fine. I welcome that. Otherwise, you can sit on my foot and rotate before I'll stop talking about Jesus, recovery and thanking Him and praising Him and sharing with everyone who wants to know how AWESOME my life is now because I'm FREE.

Monday, December 7, 2009


I had a letter from a friend who reads these blogs, and she's really been through the ringer lately. She was hopelessly into the wrong guy, trusted the wrong people, made some bad choices and despite some of the really good things in her life, like her child, she is really struggling because she, like so many of us, wants in her heart of hearts to get it right, to have friends she can count on and to be loved by one person that she can love back and not be hurt again. And she asked me... how do you do it, Jen? How did you get to where you are and how are you able to say the things you do and mean them? How do you get to a place where YOU are in control of your life and are able to trust again?

I'm answering her in this blog post because a) she's not the only one who's asked me that and b) because my answer to her is the same thing I tell everyone and thought it would be beneficial to put my response here, where hopefully and prayerfully it might help others I know who struggle with the same thing.

First of all, I know ALL about addiction to men, and "love," and all the stuff that comes with it. I have spent the majority of my life seeking the same thing that all women, and all people for that matter, really want: to be loved unconditionally and faithfully with one person that you can love back and grow old with, share things with and be happy with. It's not easy. But it's also not as hard as we make it... I can't possibly purport to have the answer to that question, but I can share what I've learned and how I got to the place that I'm in now.

In a nutshell, I have a 100% failure rate with relationships. They have ALL ended. Most of them badly. Until the last one I was in, I was always able to blame it on drama and the craziness that all my "love" seemed to entail. But the last relationship I was in didn't have all that; there was no drama or insanity. In fact, it was bliss until one day it just wasn't. And when it ended, I was devastated... but I had come far enough to realize that it was the right thing so I didn't fight it. It was a defining moment for me because I chose right then to handle it differently than I'd ever handled anything before. But that's a different story... The reason I bring it up now is because after the last breakup I experienced, because that relationship wasn't like the others (at least on the surface) and it still ended, I had to take a long look in the mirror. I couldn't blame it on all the things I had in the past. Ergo, there had to be something about it that was similar to all the ones in the past. And the obvious answer was ME... I was the common denominator. Which forced me to consider that perhaps I'd been going about everything the wrong way; that perhaps I needed to re-evaluate who I was instead of assuming that the guy was just like every other douche and look at my part in it all.

And that was the beginning, really, of the metamorphosis I've gone through this year. Real change begins and end with your perceptions. It didn't take a rocket scientist to realize that I had some wrong perceptions of what love and relationships were supposed to be about. And since I'd done it MY way for so long (which clearly hadn't worked out so well!) I figured it was about that time to look at doing it GOD'S way for a change... that if I could take just a fraction of the effort and time and energy I'd wasted chasing all the wrong things and wrong people and put it toward my relationship with God and work on myself, I might possibly have a shot at getting it right for once. When I prayed about it, God said to me, "Jen, I AM THE MAN you are looking for." So I picked up my recovery journey where I'd left off the previous year and started doing just that: pursuing CHRIST. I asked Him to show me clearly where I'd been wrong and to transform me by renewing my mind; to give me HIS mindset on myself, on love and relationships and everything else. Turns out that was probably the wisest choice I've ever made.

But it required TRUST, and quite frankly I've sucked at trust for so long that I figured I was utterly incapable of it. I'd been hurt and worked over by just about everyone I'd ever cared about, and believe me, I've more than returned the favor. But the Lord asked me to consider that it was my faith in PEOPLE, not in Him, that had caused me so much pain and grief... and He was right. I'd made idolatry a terrible habit... I'd start off ok, going to God and trying to discern His will, and many times had gotten it right. But whenever a man came along that told me what I wanted to hear and made me feel a certain way, I'd drop the Lord like a hot potato and put everything into whatever dude was the flavor of the moment. Totally not THEIR fault; that was MY choice. Now, let me say that I didn't deserve to be treated the way I had been, and taking responsibility for my role in it all certainly doesn't let any of them off the hook for douchebag behavior. Having said that, more times than not, I was in situations and in relationships (including some friendships, not just romantic relationships) that I either shouldn't have been in or not as deeply involved as I was, so in a way I was putting myself in harm's way. I'm not responsible for other people's choices, and any wrongdoing on someone else's part is still theirs to own, but had I walked when I knew I should have or even put up the proper boundaries that I should have, then the chances of some of the most painful and traumatic events that caused me SO much pain and grief NOT occurring are in the 90th percentile, because I wouldn't have been there.

In other words, I am the architect of my own misery. Because 9 times out of 10, I was somewhere I shouldn't have been with people I shouldn't have been with doing things I shouldn't have been doing. And whose fault was THAT? Answer: it was mine.

It was put to me that the definition of an addict is someone who continues in sinful, wrong and destructive behaviors despite adverse consequences. By that definition, I'm the Kobe Bryant of addicts. I wanted what I wanted, even when I knew it was wrong or not good for me. It didn't matter what it cost me or who I hurt as long as I got what I wanted. With the love and direction of God and a LOT of hard work on my part, this is no longer true of me. Because somewhere along the path I've been walking this year, I changed my mind. It is no longer worth it to me to deny reality and behave or think the way I used to. You might say it got old. Sad that it took almost 40 years for me to get it; I'm just glad I finally DID get it.

You might wonder what all this has to do with trust... well, it's like this: if real change begins and ends with one's perceptions, then it logically follows that one must change his or her mind. The Bible says to "be transformed by the renewing of your mind." That is no fun, easy, painless process... it is a LOT of hard work! And it requires TRUST--in Christ. You must accept and believe that the things He asks you to face and experience are for your betterment, not to harm you. The second part of that verse is "so that you will be able to discern God's will; His good, pleasing and perfect will."

In other words, let Him show you how to think. It's crazy how He DOES transform how you think. And suddenly, one day you wake up and all the things that used to matter to you either don't or are put in their proper order... all the people you have been hurt by you are able to forgive and let go of the pain... I could go on and on... but the point I'm making is that I do not believe trust is possible without God. It begins and ends with Christ.

Trusting also begins with taking personal responsibility for your actions. If you want to be able to trust, you must first become trustworthy. For me, the ugly truth is that I wasn't trustworthy. I wasn't intentionally trying to be a deceitful or dishonest person. But when you wake up every day and start lying when you look in the mirror, it's impossible to be honest with anyone else. The biggest lies we hear are the ones we tell ourselves... and I'd become an expert at deceiving myself. So even though I was loyal and would fight tooth and nail for people I cared about, I didn't know my own mind. I was sick and didn't know it and because of it, despite what were often really good intentions, I still screwed up or hurt people I really cared about. I lied to myself every day and had become so good at it that I was no longer capable of seeing truth anymore or was even aware that I was conning myself. Because I'd relied on my own strength and ability for so long, I ceased to see how small a part God played in my decisions or in my thinking. And I paid the price for it. So did others.

I don't believe you can truly know yourself until you know God, because HE created us and knows us better than we know ourselves. The Bible says that "the heart is deceitful above all things." Yet my heart is what I'd been following for longer than I can remember. I did whatever "felt right" to me for a long time. Well, if my heart is deceitful, how can I trust it? And with my mind being as sick as it was, how could I trust my logic, either? The result of this is that I spent quite a few months really freaked out. Until I stopped resisting Christ and just started obeying Him and walking out His truth whether I felt it in the moment or not. I believed in God, and I tried every other way I knew to try except His, so really, what did I have to lose? If I was wrong; fine. It wouldn't be the first time.

But what if I was right, and I really could trust God? Might I perhaps actually change, make a better life for myself, and find peace?

Thank goodness I screwed up so bad that I had nowhere else to go. And turns out I was right. Today I can't even begin to describe how HAPPY I am that I finally listened. I'm not really doing anything different from all that wonderful advice I was so quick to hand out in the past... except that now I'm actually walking the talk. That's really the key; it's not enough to KNOW why. You gotta LIVE why.

I guess in a nutshell you could say that I learned to trust when I stopped trusting others or myself and started trusting Christ. He never lets me down. And He has taught me a LOT about trust. It begins and ends with Him.

Today I am truly changed. I still have lots and lots of stuff to work on. But I'm SO MUCH BETTER than I used to be... even the mistakes that I make are new ones, not the same old crap that I used to do. But I have to be really diligent in guarding my mind and my spirit, lest I slip back slowly into the life I knew before, which to me would be the worst hell I could imagine.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


2009 is almost over. This year SO did not turn out like I thought it was going to… I started the year off in a relationship with someone I thought I’d be with for a long time. It ended the next month. And I got back on the recovery path and I’ve not wavered from it since. The last ten months of my life have been the most incredible I have ever had, because I’m in a place right now that I wouldn’t trade for all the money in the world. I only wish I could have reached this mindset sooner.

I used to have a speaking ministry years ago, and I loved doing it. I’m good at it, too—mostly cuz I love to talk. J (Shocking, I know) I gave my testimony numerous times to varying sizes of audiences, the biggest being about 3,000 people. Speaking didn’t scare me back then. But living sure did! I was such a sick little girl! My past and my mistakes had me in chains I’d grown so used to being bound by that I ceased to know they were there. All that resulted in me making very bad decisions, one of which effectively ended my speaking ministry. I stopped speaking all together since I no longer felt worthy of my message, and I’m big on being authentic.

That was over ten years ago. Fast forward to this past October, when I was asked to give my testimony again for the first time in over a decade. I was kinda freaked out. On top of that I was mad that I was freaked out about it, which freaked me out some more. You might say I was freaked out by how freaked out I was! And it really put me on edge since I didn’t understand WHY I was wigging over something I’d done a thousand times in the past. I mean it’s not like I have trouble talking about Christ and what He’s done for me, and I’m certainly not shy or PC. Still, I was extremely nervous about it. In fact, I came very close to wiggling out of it—so I hit my knees and began to talk to God and ask Him to lead me and to put the words HE wanted me to say in my mouth since my testimony is really HIS story anyway.

A lot happened during that time and I’ll blog that at a later date. Suffice it to say, God was faithful as always, and it ended up going better than I had even dreamed it might. One thing He showed me during that time was that I was wigging because my testimony had no ending—I’m still going through the recovery process; it’s not over yet! In the past, my story had a beginning, a middle and an end. It was complete. But this story that I’m living in now is still being played out… I know the ending is that God and I end up together for eternity—a real happy ending, as all good love stories should have. But how I get there and all that happens along the way is still a plot up for grabs, and I’m the writer-in-charge… how it’s written is really all up to me. I’ve decided that while I’m holding the pen and doing the writing, God is the Editor-in-Chief and it’ll be more like dictation than creative writing.

If my life were a book, it would be in two parts. Part 1, my past, was a compilation of all the bad stuff that I survived, and then later on all the convictions, lessons, words and concepts I’d gleaned from my heroes of the faith. In other words—that story is part of me, but it’s not about me. I was a splintered person; I hadn’t yet allowed God to write His words on my heart so that they were my words. And that is the whole point of us being here… to worship Christ, love Him and proclaim Him in our own unique and individual ways, for Christ to tell HIS story through us, making it a truly individual tale every time.

Part 1 of my life’s book was more a collection of short stories, written by others, all of which played a role in shaping who I was. I let others put words in my mouth; I was constantly trying to please everyone and ultimately never pleasing anyone, especially myself. Instead of doing the dirty work and forming my own opinions and convictions, I parroted others and tried to tell myself it was all mine. No one can live your life but YOU; it's not enough to trust in what you glean from others. You must learn to trust YOURSELF, to know your OWN mind, which is impossible to do without Christ. Essentially the Part 1 of my story wasn't really mine. I was mimicking, but not really living. There was some good stuff in Part 1 but needed to find a thread I could weave throughout it all and turn it into a story that was all my own.

Part 2, though, my good friends, is a WHOLE DIFFERENT STORY. I've been in Part 2 for ten months now and so far, so good! My relationship with Christ, my recovery work and the love and support of exceptionally good friends has formed the basis of what's turning out to be one helluva sequel! I'm free of the past and those chains... Yeah. That's right. I said FREE, y'all! FREEEEEEE! 2009 has been an epic year for me! It's been tough at times, painful and a LOT scary, but I've hung in there and I'm SO glad I did! God has connected the dots and brought it all together in a miraculous fashion to this place that I’m in right now. God has given me a story that is special, separate, unique and whole. Now it’s time to continue writing.

I was scared at first of the concept of my life being a book with past pages filled with all the things that were horrible about me, along with a sequel filled with a bunch of blank pages yet to be written on and that I was responsible for putting a story to. Today that concept THRILLS me, because my life can be whatever I make of it… Sure, I’m gonna screw up and get it wrong some. But just think of all the awesome things that I can fill those blank pages with, things that MATTER.

I'm entitling Part 1 of my life story "JEN: The Ashes." It's a tragic and sad story of the old Jen, a rough draft of a life without Christ and worthy only for the cutting room floor. That tale was full of pain and misery and sin—but thankfully, sin wasn’t the end of the story...

Part 2 is called "JEN: The Beauty." Because God has indeed made beauty out of piles of ashes as big as mountains; He's redeeming all the time wasted and lost, restoring relationships and healing me day by day. THIS story, the NEW JEN, is an amazing one! A REAL story full of life and hope and endless possibilities, starting with how Christ took that old, worthless life, cleaned it up, edited it, added some pictures and organization, brought in some new writers and re-energized the plot—turning it into something beautiful and inspiring and ALIVE—because it’s still being written, each day, moment by moment. So stay tuned! ;D

And of course I have the perfect song for this, just in case this book is ever made into a movie! (What's an Oscar-worthy story without an equally awesome soundtrack, right?) The story's theme is “Unwritten” by Natasha Bedingfield. LOVE THIS SONG. Below I’ve posted the video and the lyrics… listen to the song, really HEAR the words, and take them to heart. Whatever is going on in your life—however you may be struggling, whatever trials and tribulations and pain or confusion you may be going through—it doesn’t have to be any way that you don’t want it to be! It all comes down to how you think; if you need to change how you think, DO IT. You are only gonna get out of this life what you put into it, SO LIVE IT. Assess what’s happened up to now, give it to Christ and then LET IT GO and move on!

What has occurred in your life up until this very moment, right NOW as you sit here and read my words, doesn’t have to be the end or the sum total of it all. Don't be afraid—take heart, have courage and be EXCITED that how it ends is really up to YOU. "TODAY is where YOUR book begins, the rest is still unwritten." So take up that pen like a sword and live out the words that God gives you! And let it truly be YOUR story. Never let anyone else decide your life for you. Only YOU can live it... it should be a story co-authored by you and the Lord.

May God bless and keep you as you fill in what's yet to be written.

By Natasha Bedingfield

I am unwritten
can't read my mind
I'm undefined
I'm just beginning
the pen's in my hand
ending unplanned

Staring at the blank page before you
Open up the dirty window
Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find
Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your inhibitions

Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten...

I break tradition
sometimes my tries
are outside the lines
yeah yeah
We've been conditioned
to not make mistakes
but I can't live that way
oh oh

Staring at the blank page before you
Open up the dirty window
Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find
Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your inhibitions

Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins--

Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten...

Staring at the blank page before you
Open up the dirty window
Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find
Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your inhibitions

Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins--

Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten...
The rest is still unwritten...

The rest is still unwritten...

The Tarnished Knight

I wrote this a few years ago, updated it last year... funny how it still holds true even after all this time. I hope it speaks to you. Amen.


I used to believe, like every other little girl, in a white knight on a white horse that would ride into my life, sweep me off my feet and make everything better. He'd love me no matter what I did, how I acted or what I said, and we'd live happily ever after and ride off into the sunset together, hair flowing behind us in the wind, laughing and smiling... Etc., etc.

I've lived a little bit since then. And grown up a LOT.

I don't believe in fairy tales anymore. But I still believe in magic—God magic. I think men suffer from these delusions, too; they are brought up to believe in princesses. But I'm just going to speak from a woman's perspective here. Though I think I the principles behind what I'm saying apply to men as well. That said…

I no longer want a fairy tale. I don't want a plastic, animated or fictional knight; I want a REAL one. I want his horse to be noble and beautiful, yes, but… dirty, covered in grime and burrs in his mane from long, grueling hours of riding over rough terrain. I want his sword stained with blood—evil blood and dragon blood and bad guy blood. I want his armor tarnished, smudged with dents and scars and scratches from defending those he loves. I want his eyes to have that sad kind of smile that's still a smile, but with deep insight behind it. Because that means he's learned lessons, hard ones, the kind only forged in the fires of having to make difficult decisions in the heat of battle—the kind where you win some and lose some and learn to live with the consequences either way… but still, the smile remains because he can rise above it. He can still find humor in spite of pain, which takes a LOT of maturity. I want his heart to be prettier than his face. I want his coat of arms to have meaning behind it, rich with history and responsibility and the ongoing task of facing who he is and dealing with it. His coat of arms, like his eyes, have stories behind them. His medals for bravery and valor have tales of both happiness and sadness behind them.

The kind of knight I am describing has been in battle. He has seen things and felt things and experienced things that don’t always have a fairy tale ending. He knows sad endings as well as happy ones, perhaps even living in a couple of instances with no ending at all... This knight is majestic and regal and magnetic because God has worked on his spirit—and therefore his character is his best trait. The fairy tale knight doesn't get this—he’s merely playing a role, putting on an act, looking the part of a knight but having no clue what it truly means to be one.

Knights still come, just in a different package… instead of a nice, neat package tied up in a pretty little bow, it’s tattered and worn, like an old leather jacket with CHARACTER. The tarnished knights expect you to pull your weight! These are REAL men. They live in the REAL world and expect you to do the same. They are protective without being controlling, loving without being clingy. They inspire and motivate you to be better, but they are forgiving and show grace. They aren’t afraid to be wrong, quick to see their faults and own their mistakes, and say “I’m sorry” when it’s called for without restraint. They are romantic, affectionate and engaged in the relationship without being desperate or wimpy. They DO love you for being you, but expect you to continually improve that you—to fix your issues when you have them and do what needs to be done to be the best you that you can be.

The magic still happens, but it takes two and it takes work. And if you don't pay attention, while you are looking out for white knights you'll miss the tarnished ones, and THEY are the keepers.

I think we as women do men a grave disservice when we expect them to be white knights. It's not fair. We set them up to fail. We expect too much and rely on them too much to make us happy, make us feel worthy and confident when that should be our responsibility. NO ONE can do for us what we can only do for ourselves, and the White Knight Syndrome only perpetuates that. There is a fine balance here, but being totally centered, knowing who you are and being okay with it no matter what the circumstances, is something that we are ALL responsible for.

Let’s be honest here: even if a white knight DID show up, you'd soon tire of him because unless you are okay with who you are, how do you expect anyone else to be? A tarnished knight won’t stand for that. Besides, ANY knight is still a MAN… and men don't like insecure, clingy, needy, overly-emotional, codependent women. A man, knight or not, will never complete you as a person. But he can COMPLEMENT you, and you him—like two pieces of a puzzle that fit together seamlessly. Expecting anything different is just trying to live in a fairy tale, one that will not have the ending for which you are hoping.

White knights aren't worth the trouble, but tarnished ones are. But you have to be worthy of him. The only way to do that is to do the work on yourself—become ok with who you are and the self worth comes. Otherwise, when the tarnished knight shows up, he’ll ride right past you into some other, more worthy woman's arms—if he even notices you at all. And you will have missed out on the kind of true love, deep bond and mutual respect that can only happen with a REAL knight. The fairy tale version doesn’t understand this and couldn't give you no matter how hard he tried if he did get it. Essentially, to capture a tarnished knight’s heart, you must become the best princess you can be.

Cardboard cutouts and bedtimes stories may be nice, but they'll never take the place of REAL men and what they can give you—they're a shockingly poor substitute for a bonafide, real-deal tarnished knight! Tarnished knights seem to be almost extinct in today’s world, too, but that’s no excuse to settle for anything less. And let's face it: it takes a certain kind of woman to even know what I'm talking about right now! If everything I just said is jibberish, too strict or hard core or too whatever to you, then you are one that this man would walk right past. Incidentally, you should RUN, do NOT walk, to the nearest Christian counselor, church, support group or whatever and begin working with a vengeance on your character! Because you won't know this knight if he's standing right in front of you with a blinking red neon sign! Only a unique, special and authentic princess—a true daughter of Christ—will recognize a tarnished knight when she sees one, appreciate what she's got and make him her own. And unless you are that kind of woman, this kind of knight won't give you a second glance... and how sad is that?

In short, a tarnished knight is so tarnished because he loves God and puts Him before everything else—including you. He is tarnished because he has been faithful to walk bravely through the fires that his Lord has seen fit to use to shape who he is. He’s obediently and boldly gone into the battles in which his Lord has sent him, and fight fiercely and ferociously for what is right. Then he’s come home. He wants to share a life with someone, experience things with a partner and a friend. To get that type of mindset always requires some pain, some heartache, a loss of pride and a lot of brokenness, with some hard-learned humility thrown in. It’s a fight. And guess what that does to armor? It tarnishes it—but while the exterior adornment gets dingy and dirty, the interior becomes stronger and more true.

A tarnished knight is infinitely more valuable because the more tarnished his armor is, the whiter, brighter and stronger his spirit shines through. Dingy, dirty tarnish is the new white. :)

Ladies, I know we are all looking for a good man. Just keep in mind what I’ve said… and if your knight shows up all pearly white and squeaky clean, armor shimmering and sparkling in the sunlight, with a well-brushed, gleaming white horse with no filth and grime on him and a shiny, clean sword, you know what to do… FIRE HIS ASS. He’s fake! And go get you a REAL knight!


  • "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:13)
  • "The Lord is my strength and my shield ..." (Psalm 28:7)
  • "In the day when I cried out, You answered me, and made me bold with strength in my soul." (Psalm 138:3)
  • "O God, You are more awesome than Your holy places. The God of Israel is He who gives strength and power to His people." (Psalm 68:35)
  • "He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength." (Isaiah 40:29)
  • "For the Lord will be your confidence, and will keep your foot from being caught." (Proverbs 3:26)
  • "Yet the righteous will hold to his way, and he who has clean hands will be stronger and stronger." (Job 17:9)
  • "They shall walk after the Lord. He will roar like a lion. When He roars, then His sons shall come trembling from the west ..." (Hosea 11:10)
  • "If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small." (Proverbs 24:10)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Overcoming Fear

I love the show "So You Think You Can Dance" (SYTYCD). I posted another blog from the last season where two of the dancers did a piece choreographed by Mia Michaels about addiction. It was very powerful.

This piece is about fear and overcoming it... Very visual depiction of how fear attacks us and attaches itself to us in our every day life... It was choreographed by Stacy Tookey, another of my favorite choreographers, and performed by Kathryn & Legacy.

In recovery they teach you that real change doesn't occur until the pain outweighs the fear... meaning, that until it hurts bad enough, most of us will stay stuck in what seems familiar to us because we are too afraid of doing something different. This piece was very moving to me because I've spent the last 9 months overcoming my fears... and it's working! I've been able to face things I've held onto for the last 2 or 3 decades. Amazing how when you finally embrace the truth and own your choices, you get better at an eerily fast pace!

Enjoy this. I sure did. And as you watch it, try and picture yourself facing and overcoming the things that most hold you back, the things and people you are most afraid of... I love how at the end she pushes her fear completely down. The song is "2 Steps Away" by Patti LaBelle.