Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The End

You can love someone with all your heart
For all the right reasons
In a moment they can choose to walk away
Love'em anyway

We all want to be loved, to be cherished, to be part of something bigger than ourselves... When you find someone to love who loves you back, you should hold onto them with everything you have. Because this world is mean and hard and life can be tough. It's survivable, but sharing it is better than going it alone.

Sometimes, though, love ends... You think you are going to grow old with someone who just suddenly stops loving you, stops "feeling it," stops wanting you around... And it hurts. Real, real bad. You can do everything in your power to love someone and love them well. But you can't make them love you back. You can't make them stay. You can be as loving, supportive, encouraging, loyal and glue-ish as you can. You can talk until you turn blue and run out of words. You can hold them, dry their tears, make them laugh, enjoy them, pray with them, just... love them. But if they don't want it, they don't want it. 

Um, for the record? That just sucks. 

The truth is, it doesn't mean they don't "love" you. Maybe it does. Or maybe it just means that they aren't in the same place you are and can't give you what you want or need. It is terrible, yes. But it doesn't have to be anyone's fault.

I am not good with pain. I'm like, allergic. I feel things VERY INTENSELY (and usually in ALL CAPS!). And I spent the majority of my life running from and trying to escape the God-awful pain I feel right now. 

That didn't work.

Pain is inevitable. But misery? That's optional. 

I've learned a thing or two about love. And as much as it hurts, as scary as it can be... it's so worth it. I have my moments when I wish to God I'd never laid eyes on so-and-so or seen his stupid fish! : ) 

But you know what? I don't regret one second. Life's too short. I'm a better person for having loved and having tried. It sucks so much and hurts so bad that I lost it. But I wouldn't trade it. 

Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.

Love anyway.

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