Friday, March 5, 2010


I stumbled upon this today looking for something else, and I wanted to share it.

April 4, 2008

Dear Me,

I HATE you. I hate everything about you. You suck the life out of everyone around you. You don't care about anyone but yourself. You hurt everyone you claim to love. You destroy everything you touch. You are DEAD to me, and I won't miss you. You've hurt my kids, you've hurt me, you've hurt my Lord. I hope you rot in the same kind of hell you've created for me.

and good riddance


This is a letter I had to write to myself in my four-day recovery workshop two years ago. The pure, black, unadulterated HATRED literally exploded off the page, hitting me full in the face. I remembered writing it, what I was feeling as I used my pen as a knife to slash and maim and tear... I didn't even bother to sign it...

And then I wept, a long time, for this girl...

I wanted to share this and I'll be writing more about this later, but for now I'm going to be very UN-JEN and shut up, letting the letter speak for itself... Except to say that no matter who you are or what you've done, NO ONE should have to feel this way about themselves.