Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Brandie Equation

Posted this today on Facebook and wanted to share it here.



Brandie Chism Yokie is a part of us all.

Our lives, who we all are at this moment, have been profoundly shaped by our relationships with Brandie.

Think about it. She had a gift for connecting people... Rachael wouldn't have grown to adore a Tennessee fan. Amy and Joey wouldn't be together. Matthew wouldn't have Addison or have experienced the kind of love we all spend our lives searching for. Karen wouldn't be as awesome of a mother or the kind person she is today. I wouldn't be as happy or as whole with my Hubs Rod or be as close to my family Corbin, Elijah, Tricia and Diane. I wouldn't know Tina or Kim or Jimmy or any of the other amazing friends without her.

And she also had a gift for making us stronger. I'm certain each of us can point to at least one moment where we wouldn't have been as brave, would have given up or given in, had she not intervened and encouraged.

I could go on and on for days, naming all of the things and the people that wouldn't be connected or even affected without her presence, including myself... For I simply would not be alive today without her friendship, I wouldn't know the freedom I enjoy today without her loyalty and trust, and I damn sure would not love the way I do had she not shown me how through her example in loving me. In fact, many of us wouldn't even know each other had it not been for Brandie. In many ways, she was the key between us through which SO MUCH LOVE passed, and by which so many other doors to awesome things and people were opened.

Life is nothing more than a series of moments, woven together by the significance of the ones we are lucky enough to recognize while we are in them. Brandie was like that one thread that weaves through the fabric of each life, connecting the moments of threads in all our lives together. She made it whole, and made us one. As you know, the sum of the whole is greater than the parts, and she was the variable that made it possible.

I said this in another post recently, but I'll say it again as I feel it more poignantly today, on her birthday... I am a person to whom words MATTER. A GREAT deal. One of my gifts Brandie helped me to embrace was my ability to shape words and thoughts and phrases in a way that touch and move others. She helped me find my voice and encouraged me to help others find theirs.

Yet oddly enough, when it comes right down to it, I, the journalism major, the poet, the songwriter, the speaker, the storyteller... I am unable to find the words that I feel do true justice to who Brandie was or what she meant to me. To all of us.

The thing that would crack her up right now is that "Ms. Wordy" has to resort to MATH to express herself...

And that is this:
Each of us is like a delicate equation, and Brandie was the variable without which we would not be who we all are or where we all are today.

I say again: We are all who we are because Brandie was a part of our lives.

THAT is the only math I can truly understand. The math of love, expressed in friendship, in families, in a mother for her child, between a wife and a husband, a love that turns strangers into close friends. The math by which Jesus brings us together. The math equation that uses a single variable at its most exponential power, through love, to ensure that no matter what you've been through, no matter what lies behind or before you, you (we) are not alone. Because love always makes room for more love... Heretofore known as The Brandie Equation.

Thank you, Brandisha Nicole Chism Yokie, for being that variable. Thank you for being our Bishaboo. Thank you for helping me understand MATH! We love and miss you so much! The only thing keeping me going today is the thought of seeing you again, reliving the laughter and the memories we made, and sharing in the love of all those who are in my life now because I knew and was loved by you.

Happy birthday, Pink Crayon!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Testimony begins with TEST

Found this blog entry from 2013 today, inspired by my friend Brandie Chism Yokie, who died this past Sunday. I am going to repost it because I think with all we are going through trying to deal with her death, we have to hold onto Jesus because we may not understand why, and we know it's unfair, but we KNOW that God NEVER permits us to go through anything that isn't ultimately good for us. Period. I don't like that truth AT ALL right now, but I don't question it. Luckily, I don't have to like it to trust it. Trust HIM.

This particular message is one she and I talked about a lot in the last few months, and trust me, Brandie was one of the bravest, strongest, funniest, most honest and loyal people I have ever known. And every ounce of happiness and peace and awesomeness that she had when she died--she earned EVERY SINGLE BIT OF IT.

I miss her so much.


I am totally posting today's devo from Joyce Meyer Ministries. Love me some Joyce! And everyone needs to be reminded from time to time that adversity reveals character as much as it forms character. As my incredible friend Brandie once told me when I was freaking out over something, "Jen, you are in RECOVERY. Of course you are being TESTED! How can you possibly learn to live in recovery unless you are tested?!?" Thank God for those friends that kind of just put it to you straight right when you need it, eh? :D

She told me that day, when I called her wigging out: No one ever has a testimony without a TEST. Then today I saw this and called her, and Brandie and I laughed and laughed about how SMART she is! :D

Enjoy today's post. I am posting this exactly as I found it, except for highlighting the parts that I think are most relevant. These can be found at

Testimony Begins with "Test"
by Joyce Meyer - posted October 16, 2013

Consider it wholly joyful, my brethren, whenever you are enveloped in or encounter trials of any sort or fall into various temptations. —James 1:2

I'm sure you know people with amazing stories of the way God has worked in their lives. I always love to hear a great testimony, but I also know that behind every extraordinary account of someone's life lies some kind of challenge or difficulty. No one ever has a testimony without a test.

We must pass all kinds of tests as we go through our lives, and passing them is part of never giving up. It's vital for us to understand the important role that tests and trials play in our lives, because understanding them helps us endure them and actually be strengthened by them. Everything God permits us to go through will ultimately be good for us—no matter how much it hurts, how unfair it is, or how difficult it is.

When we encounter tests and trials, if we will embrace them and refuse to run from them, we will learn some lessons that will help us in the future and make us stronger.

One reason we must go through trials is to test our quality (1 Pet. 4:12). Often, we find ourselves wishing we had the faith of Sister so-and-so or Brother so-and-so. I can assure you, if they have a strong and vibrant faith, they did not develop it easily. Just as muscles are strengthened through exercise, firm faith comes from the furnace of affliction.

Sometimes people say to me, "Oh, I wish I had the kind of ministry you have, Joyce." Well, I did not get it by wishing. These people didn't see when I was feeling I couldn't hold on one more second, begging God to help me to not quit or give up. They don't know the tests and trials I've faced along the way.

No one who does anything worthwhile for God has traveled an easy road. Doing great things for God requires character, and character is developed by passing life's tests and staying faithful to Him through the trials.

Trust in Him: God has a unique plan for your life. Trust Him when you go through tests, knowing that they are strengthening and preparing you for the great things He has planned specifically for you.

From the book Trusting God Day by Day by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2012 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

When you don't know what to say, just say JESUS

Here are the lyrics to "Just Say Jesus" by 7eventh Time Down. Such a REAL song. Everyone has been there; where it hurts so bad and so deep that there are just no words... Except one: Jesus! And it's the only one you need.

Please do yourself a favor and look this song up and listen to it! Incredible.

7eventh Time Down

Life gets tough, and times get hard
It's hard to find the truth in all the lies

If you're tired of wondering why
Your heart isn't healing
And nothing feels like home
Cause you're lost and alone just screaming at the sky

When you don't know what to say
Just say Jesus
There is power in the name
The name of Jesus
If the words won't come
Cause you're too afraid to pray
Just say Jesus

Whisper it now, or shout it out
However it comes out, He hears your cry

Out of nowhere He will come,
You got to believe it
He will rescue you
Just call out to The Way, The Truth, The Light

When you don't know what to say
Just say Jesus
There is power in the name
The name of Jesus
If the words won't come
Cause you're too afraid to pray
There is just one name
Strong enough to save
There is just one name
There is just one name

When you don't know what to say
Just say Jesus
There's still power in the name
The name of Jesus
If the words won't come
Cause you're too afraid to pray
If the words won't come
And you don't know what to say
Just say Jesus