Thursday, February 16, 2012

Jesus Has a Rocking Chair

(For Chandler Reid, 1988)

Jesus has a rocking chair
On which He sits with bended knee,
And all the children in Heaven
Come to sit in the lap of the King.

He plays with them, He sings to them,
He teaches them to pray.
They get personal attention from the Father
Each and every day…

Which they could have had from parents
Had they been given the chance to be born
But for the selfishness of a mother
Running from shame and scorn.

We kill our very own children
Who'd have called us "Mom" or "Dad."
Now they're with their eternal Father,
And of that we can be glad.

This child that I murdered,
This defenseless baby I mercilessly killed,
Now spends all her time with Jesus—  
Of Living Water, she gets her fill.

Do you know what He says to them?
Do you know what He tells them to do?
"My dear children, forgive them,
For they know not what they do…"

For to stand at the door
Of a clinic of death,
Denial must be in place;
Robbed of your God-given desire
To see your child's face…

"But I, Jesus, died for ALL sins;
No stone was left unturned.
My blood as Christ covers it all
With a love you cannot earn."

So the price is fully paid,
And because of His goodness and grace,
I look forward to holding my child in Heaven—  
To finally seeing her little face.

Yes, Jesus has a rocking chair.
And we can be sure, you see,
That all children go to Heaven
And sit atop His loving knee.

© 1995 Jenifer R. Barron


"This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live." (Deuteronomy 30:19)