Thursday, January 28, 2010

Wise man? Or wise guy?

Wisdom is knowledge applied. Otherwise, it's just useless information.

"Have two goals: wisdom—that is, knowing and doing right—and common sense. Don’t let them slip away, for they fill you with living energy and are a feather in your cap. They keep you safe from defeat and disaster and from stumbling off the trail. With them on guard you can sleep without fear; you need not be afraid of disaster or the plots of wicked men, for the Lord is with you; He protects you." (Proverbs 3:21-26) The difference between a wise man and a wise guy is very simple: one applies his knowledge, the other doesn't. You can have all the knowledge in the world swimming around in your brain, powered by an Einstein IQ, but unless you actually USE IT, it is totally worthless. A wise man is humble, ever aware of his shortcomings and ignorance, and asks for guidance at every turn. A wise guy is proud and always wants to show how smart he is. A wise man learns from his mistakes; he applies what he's learned to present and future circumstances in an effort to avoid making the same mistakes. A wise guy does whatever he feels like in the moment, doing the same things over and over again, believing he can will the outcome with his charm and personality rather than his choices. A wise man learns. A wise guy learned. A wise man responds. A wise guy reacts. I've lived the majority of my life as the wise guy. I learned the hard way. I thought I was so smart!

Today I'm working through things and trying to be a wise man in the process. I'm praying, asking Christ to show me how to use my hard-won lessons with what I face today. And I already know that He has the answer... all I gotta do is ask Him to show me.

And it's all because of Jesus... He led me to recovery, where I'm learning to stop the extreme reactions in favor of a prayerful, intentional response. And no matter the outcome, it's all going to be just fine, because I have Jesus. He knows me; I have nothing to prove save to Him. In addition, I know the trials and tribulations of life will not overtake me, no matter how disturbing or painful or disconcerting they may be. I am a work in progress and according to Jesus, "It is finished."


So which one are you? Wise man, or wise guy? You CAN choose, you know. It's not easy but it IS that simple: choose wisdom. Face your crap today head on. Be fearless! Apply your lessons; hold fast to wisdom and common sense. Above all: TRUST CHRIST. He's got your back. And in the end, it will all be worth it.

"And after the testing was over, he was a greater man, both physically and spiritually, than before." (Job 15:13)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


No introduction here... Just gonna share these and let them speak for themselves. "It's not what you look at, but what you actually SEE."


Not - How did he die? But - How did he live?
Not - What did he gain? But - What did he give?

These are the things that measure the worth
Of a man as a man, regardless of birth.

Not - What was his station? But - had he a heart?
And - How did he play his God-given part?

Was he ever ready with a word of good cheer?
To bring back a smile, to banish a tear?

Not - What was his church? Not - What was his creed?
But - Had he befriended those really in need?

Not - What did the sketch in the newspaper say?
But - How many were sorry when he passed away?

These are the things that measure the worth
Of a man as a man, regardless of birth.


Sometimes the cube won't
Fit into the circle-shaped hole.
Sometimes life throws a rock
At you, and you have
To roll with it.
It's OK to go through with
Difficult things; do so with
Courage, curiosity and wonder.
Isn't life wonderful?
No one said it would be easy
But who wants it
To be?
The great part is that
While the journey is at
Times difficult
Literally anything is possible.
The sun and the moon
Will do your bidding
Cast the mountain
Into the sea.

(Max Rose)

The bravest, most defiant
Most admirable endeavor
A human being can
Embark upon
Is the solemn vow to love
Every moment, every living

(Max Rose)

Freedom is a state
Of mind, inherent and inalienable
Freedom is a choice.
To love
Rather than to fear
Freedom is a power
To know oneself
To understand
That the body is enslaved
To recognize
That the mind, soul, and spirit
Are and always will be
Completely free.

(Max Rose)